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arowana animal crossingThe Emperor Dragon Fish Club will help you realize your dreams + fish for foo

Author: Time:2021-12-22186 second

Information summary:  One little fisherman.Fish farming is only a little careful after years.Although I have never raised particularly high-end fish species, I think most fish have...., sera ryder, sheeran怎么读, cost effective.arowana animal crossingThe Emperor Dragon Fish Club will help you realize your dreams + fish for foo

  One little fisherman.Fish farming is only a little careful after years.Although I have never raised particularly high-end fish species, I think most fish have only one thing in common.I hope to give some new suggestions to the new entry fisherman.
Regarding feeding, I have summed up four words: net, little, diligent and empty.
1. Net means that fish food must be sterilized (of course not artificial bait). The so-called disease comes from the mouth. Most of the active bait we buy is unclean.Bacteria and viruses are inevitable.So try not to feed active bait.If you like to watch the wildness of fish eating live bait, it is also recommended that the active bait be soaked in water and salt.Feed again after 24 hours.
2. Less is not to feed too much each time.The so-called too late.Only the fish that stayed full for seven or eight are the most active and healthy.Moreover, the remaining bait will also pollute the water.
3. Qin of course refers to the number of daily meals.Most fish that survive in the wild are looking for food for most of the day.So its habit is also to eat often.In addition, I think everyone hopes that the increased fish will grow up quickly.
4. Empty means that you should eat at least one day a week.Dont feed your fish anything this day.This way you will find your fish will have a better appetite.For this reason, please refer to the monks in spiritual practice.

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