Ready for 60 minutes, the water temperature is 27 degrees, Sihui City, Zhaoqing City, Guangdong Province========How did the fish friends of the Xianglong Aquatic Alliance comment==
N49X44hx Yuyou said: beautiful
Invincible VS King Yuyu said: The fish is very beautiful, how do you do it without hanging eyes?
Le brother _ gentle gentle man Yuyu said: beautiful, it is time to change the cylinder
Huang Wenzhong James Yuyou said: How big is the tank?
888 half cigarettes Yuyu said: beautifulimportantIngot unicorn parrot fish@How long do gold ingot fish breed*Will the ingot fish produce small fish?"How to raise ingot parrot fish!Ornamental fish ingot fish pictures#Ingot fish can reproduce%The video of the process of the small fish under the ingot fishIt takes a few days for the ingot fish eggs to hatch&How to deal with ingot fish after spawning^How much is suitable to eat ingot fish in a day% Yozgat FishSmall bronze?