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Avalokitesvara ducked

Author: Time:2021-12-04153 second

Information summary:  There are a thousand hands of Guanyin coral in the aquarium, which only comes out once a week. What caused it?Is the water quality bad?========Comments of Xia...., white space, Top Viewhow many sumatran tiger are left, red eye什么意思啊.Avalokitesvara ducked

  There are a thousand hands of Guanyin coral in the aquarium, which only comes out once a week. What caused it?Is the water quality bad?
========Comments of Xianglong aquarium joining Yuyou =====
Husu Comment: It is estimated that I like to hide there.
Ding Xiaobu Comment: Water quality is the key
Uncle with thick sirloin Comment: Where did it hide, do you like it there?
Mo Shangsang Comment: Is the temperature suitable?
HICC comment: Sound also affects Avalokitesvara, noise and the like
Thousands of Sakura Jingyan Comments: Look at the water quality and current, generally corals will find their own place to refine
Xiupu Nuosis smile Comment: Qianshou Guanyin likes to move his own placeFish that can be raised with saury"Tropical fish~Species and pictures of sea bream*Sea Bream&Ingot fish is suitable for raising a few:Why can"t fish keep double numbers/How long can the devil swordfish live%What fish is suitable for small fish tank@ Vicebskaja FishAvalokitesvara ducked!